Decompaction / Aeration with Air Spades

Compacted ground harms trees. It restricts percolation of moisture, gaseous exchange and absorption of organic matter. The Soil Biology is degraded.

It can occur from pedestrian traffic, runners and vehicles. When the ground is damp, it is easier for compaction to occur.

We can remove compaction with Air Spades and deeper Soil Probes. With the addition of Soil Ameliorates we can improve the quality of the soil and the biology within. This aeration of soil creates soil with good structure and is aerated. Just as nature intended.

These is nothing we like more than stopping the decline of a tree and returning trees to good condition.

How do you tell if a tree is suffering from compacted ground?

Does water pond in the area? Does it take longer to drain away?

Have cars, vehicles, plant either driven across or been parked in the area?

Have materials been stored in the area?

Have people/crowds/runners been in the area?

Is there any other explanation for the tree having a less dense canopy/ dying back in the canopy/ looking sad?

Please call us for advice 01277 849990